
updated 2023

Our Maker Life (OML) respects the intellectual property, trademark, diverse and creative rights of others and offers a content platform with no intent to violate rights.

Our standards and policies require that content provided to and posted by OML directors, coordinators, consultants and gatekeepers regarding social media, shop offerings, giveaways, patterns, blogs, and newsletter content remain accurate, lawful and not in violation of makers’ rights. Additionally —
○ OML will solely participate, highlight, collaborate and promote makers that create a safe online and live event environment.
○ OML will collaborate with makers that make others feel valued and never bullied.
○ OML will collaborate with makers who seek activism and support for BIPOC and marginalized community and industry efforts.

OML stands by Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), and anti-racism efforts and will endorse allies and allyship supporting brands and/or individuals.

OML endorses creative content protection and prohibits creative commons content copying. This includes —
○ Duplicating, plagiarizing, and/or reproducing the OML name, trademark, social and online platform, brand, logo, event, offerings, and designs.
○ Copying and/or emulating brands and individuals whom OML collaborates, partners with, and is sponsored by.
○ Transparency, communication, and offering opt-in and opt-out to subscribers for personal information protection.
○ Respecting creative commons is required in order to participate in the OML community.
○ This includes but does not exclude other creative commons content and rights.

Copying creative content is prohibited and will result in immediate platform removal.
If and when such violations arise, we take the matter seriously and immediately review.

OML reserves full control, rights, and participatory access to its community and platform.
○ We hold no legal right to enforce, as a limited liability company, lawful prosecution against infringement.
○ We reserve the right to disable access and remove content from any and all of our media platforms.
○ We hold a zero tolerance policy for any and all content pirating.
○ We encourage inspiration and make swift good faith attempts to discuss issues with respective partners, brands, sponsors, and individuals.

OML is committed to continual policy growth, endeavors, and standard operating procedures.
We hold ourselves accountable in the community and industry.
We have the utmost value for makers in our community and industry.
If and when necessary, makers may want to seek legal counsel and advice for full protection of shops and any alleged maker violations brought against it or in violation of it.